Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Whare daddy? Daddy...whare are yuuuuuooo....

Yesterday was one of those days; a day where the rubber meets the road on this whole traveling daddy thing. Lula had a great day at Ms. Debbie's - but was wild and crazy when we got home. I had a typical nutty Tuesday (it's just always my crazy day), and was both mentally and physically exhausted. I picked up Lula and we headed home - well - after chasing her down for 15 minutes across Ms. Debbie's yard! She was chatty on the way home and in a great mood.

And then we pull in the driveway. "Uh-oh, whare daddeee?" Breaks my heart to try and explain that he is working, but she shrugs it off, calls for him again - "daaadeeee, whare are yuuoooo...." LOL, it is too cute! Little did I know I'd be wishing I could call for him too - my baby girl was a wild one last night. An overall good mood, just wired like she was on 50 packs of M&Ms.

Plus, neither of us tend to sleep well Tim's first night out, so as usual she went to bed late - but not just late. She went to bed upset too. She was kicking and screaming (claiming "not tired" the whole time), yet she was fast asleep within minutes. Not a bad night per se...but made for a rough morning! Check out my kid, she looks like she partied all night and drank to much apple juice! I should've put a SKI in her cup. Ha!!

No photos, please. Dang paparazzi.

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