Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Whare daddy? Daddy...whare are yuuuuuooo....

Yesterday was one of those days; a day where the rubber meets the road on this whole traveling daddy thing. Lula had a great day at Ms. Debbie's - but was wild and crazy when we got home. I had a typical nutty Tuesday (it's just always my crazy day), and was both mentally and physically exhausted. I picked up Lula and we headed home - well - after chasing her down for 15 minutes across Ms. Debbie's yard! She was chatty on the way home and in a great mood.

And then we pull in the driveway. "Uh-oh, whare daddeee?" Breaks my heart to try and explain that he is working, but she shrugs it off, calls for him again - "daaadeeee, whare are yuuoooo...." LOL, it is too cute! Little did I know I'd be wishing I could call for him too - my baby girl was a wild one last night. An overall good mood, just wired like she was on 50 packs of M&Ms.

Plus, neither of us tend to sleep well Tim's first night out, so as usual she went to bed late - but not just late. She went to bed upset too. She was kicking and screaming (claiming "not tired" the whole time), yet she was fast asleep within minutes. Not a bad night per se...but made for a rough morning! Check out my kid, she looks like she partied all night and drank to much apple juice! I should've put a SKI in her cup. Ha!!

No photos, please. Dang paparazzi.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Vacation is great....but returning to reality is tough!

Re-entry. Not the easiest thing in the world to do after a week off - and when you spend that week with long-distance family, it is even harder. We were glad to come home, sleep in our own bed, unpack our bags, etc. but it quickly sets in just how far we are from "home" and our family. And although Gram and Gramps are visiting this week to help us recover (my back went out late last week), it is just not the same as being "home" with everyone close at hand. PLUS, there is always someone willing to chase after Lula for us :)

We had a fantastic trip - spending time with all of our parents and siblings, as well as cousins and friends. Loved the opportunity to celebrate Papa Brett's retirement and Leah and Dave's wedding! Such a special time with all of the grandparents and almost every one of the Stamps kids there (we missed you Meg!!). Nothing like relaxing and eating.....and eating, and eating. Did I mention we did some eating??

Later in the week we took Lula to the St. Louis Zoo; and needless to say - she loved it! It was nearly 100 degrees, but with low humidity, we made a great day of it. Thankfully we had Gram, Gramps, and Grandmama to help us out. She is still telling us about the animals and asking to watch her animal videos every day.

To survive the heat we had a pool day at the Harre house, another big hit since swimming is right up there with animals on Lula's list of favorite things. We loved seeing her interact with all of our friends' children throughout the week; I think her and Kinley are going to raise geese together rather than go to college.

All-in-all it was a wonderful trip - bittersweet to be back in VA, but looking forward to our next visit in early August to celebrate Lula's 2nd birthday!

 To survive the triple-digit temps, we took to the water!

Duck farmers


Best way to end a vacation!

We are all worn out!
Luckily, Tim was doing mostly day trips this week, and again, my parents decided to come help out since I was having back issues. BUT, once again, they will all leave at nearly the same time, then it is me and baby girl, making it work on our own as daddy hits the road again.

Vacations are always too short...